Thursday, 15 May 2014

When I feel bad......

Wanda ALWAYS makes me feel good, reppin us single ladies, and showin them guys what they missin.....HAYYYYYYY!

I should be in the FBI.....(Females Beware Imposters! = Men!)

As the search continues, I am discovering new things....not about myself but about the people I have encounters with.

And these encounters only make me more wonder about just how the opposite sex think and work.  Some guys just seem to be playing the game and looking for one thing by portraying to be the perfect guy, yet somehow switch to this egoistic big head!

So from my list (please see blog entry: )
This is a guy who I had met a few times, and well he did grow on me....however for some reason, this dude went all cold on me. So naturally I left him to it. (The way he got his name, was because he would rather eat a bag of peanuts then talk to me!! - True story). This had been about three years ago, and I had deleted his number naturally, however it appears he had not.  He messages me and I ignore them, however the trouble with technology (whats app) you can see the profile picture, and I had noticed it appeared that he had a 'female' in his display photos.  Yet this fool still messaged like normal and then said he had 'enticed' a young lady. To which I said that's good....however he would make cheeky comments and I would always refer nicely to his lady.  Yet he would still try and make small talk...I ignore the messages, yet he still comes back trying to make conversation.  And yes he tries to flirt and it makes me angry as I never respond....I am saving my big response to blast him as all I can think of is his poor wife!  When he had the chance to get to know me, and give me the time of day, it dint suit him then.....but for some weird reason now he is married it now suits him.....SERIOUSLY? What planet is he on? The next time Mr Peanut messages, he will sure be crushed into butter!!!

One fellow who I have recently been speaking to and very keen to meet up.....had got me a bit apprehensive. Lets just say my womanly instincts kicked in and I kinda went a bit FBI on him.  When he first messaged me from a matrimonial site, he had quite a few pictures and I dint question anything, until we spoke....and things became a bit more apparent.  He is about 8 years older then I, not that age is a matter but his views on things where definitely different from my own. Which got me thinking about his photo's for some reason.....he mentioned that he had just opened a new business, and me being me I did some social media research and came across some photos of this business he had...and low and behold....there where recent photo's of him.  he  had uploaded OLD photo's to the site....and I mean mega old photos.....I think me and on line dating need to end our not seeing photos to me seeing photo's and finding new ones......its just not meant for me!!

But by seeing what I have had to go through, cutting away all the weeds through this urban jungle, I am hoping there will be a clearing someday!!! I have you guys who are with me and also The Almighty above, who at times I think has a sense of humour, but also it makes me have patience, faith and I am more certain of myself.  Not letting myself compromise so early on just to keep a guy is a shame that there are guys out there who are looking to see what they can get, lie and go behind backs.....but hey, they all can't be bad right?.....Not like we are all bad also! ;)

Until next time!!

- A Halaal Chick in this big City! :)